11 Essential Network Marketing Software Features

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 9 years ago

Get the technology you need to build a highly profitable MLM company!

You've developed a great product, designed a perfect brand, built a dream corporate team, and recruited top MLM leaders. What is next in creating the next most successful network marketing company in the business?

The right software.

The right software will help you automate, manage, and grow your business quickly and effectively. What does the right software look like?

11 Essential MLM Software Features:

1.  A professional, powerful website. 

This is where new recruits can view your tour and be amazed by your products and opportunity. Each distributor will have their own version of this converting machine in their individual replicated website. It should be beautiful, mobile-friendly, and optimized for your target audience. Your logo and branding should be well-represented, and be sure it is mobile-friendly.

2. Easy-to-use CMS.

A Content Management System will allow you to easily and quickly create beautiful web pages dedicated to your offers. You should also have the ability to make these amazing landing pages available to all of your distributors with their own personal urls and tracking codes.

3.  Drip Email Manager. 

We all know that email is still one of the most effective internet marketing techniques. Did you know that “triggered” emails, or automated emails triggered by the action of a user, have an even higher open rate and click-through-rate than any other form of email marketing? Your business needs a drip email manager that will allow you to create, customize, and review analytics of your automated email campaigns.

4. Broadcast emails. 

You need to stay in touch with your downline and potential sign ups, as well as customers. A broadcast email with high deliverability will make sure your message is getting directly to the inbox of your target audience. Check to see if the email system connected to your MLM software is on a managed server to keep the IP address off blacklists and help you avoid spam filters.

5. Intelligent CRM. 

You need an integrated Contact Manager that allows you to sort through your thousands of contacts using system and admin generated tags. Send emails to specific groups, view notes, and recent activity from these contacts. Here are some of the key features your CRM should have.

6. Success Education. 

Training and motivation are key to having a successful team. What better way to train and encourage your distributors than through a training system built directly into their back office? Every distributor, when they log in, can watch training videos, read tips, and get motivated! Having some kind of training system as part of your network marketing software will go a long way in keeping distributors in your business and get them building their own downlines more quickly.

7. Lead Store. 

We all run out of leads, or need a big push for a new campaign. A lead store has thousands of affordable leads that will match your needs, or the needs of your distributors, at an easy-to-budget price. The cost of each lead is simple to calculate, and it will be easy to track conversion to determine overall ROI (return on investment) your purchase. A built-in lead store is definitely an essential software feature.

8. Content Marketing. 

Anyone attempting to marketing on the web has heard the phrase “Content is King.” This is because quality content can have a massive impact on a business’ bottom line. Good content can drive traffic, make conversions (sales), and build lasting relationships with consumers. Having content marketing features, like a blog and social media sharing, is crucial for an independent business owner to generate organic SEO and build a successful brand. 

9.  Compensation Plan. 

One of the most challenging parts of MLM software is the compensation plan. Getting a custom compensation plan built requires both mathematical and programming skills. Find the software that will allow you to create your own custom compensation plan that will pay out on the schedule you determine. AND that won’t cost you a fortune to build.

10. Ecommerce. 

This goes without saying- your software should have a powerful ecommerce engine to process sales and commission payouts to your distributors. The ecommerce part of your network marketing software should be PCI compliant (comply with payment card industry standards) and connect seamlessly with the merchant provider of your choice. 

11. Reports and Analytics. 

Reviewing the results of your email campaigns, commission payouts and product sales, leads, and landing pages is essential to a successful marketing strategy. Detailed reports and analytics are a must for any business to be prosperous.

TitanTeambuilder MLM Network Marketing Software
Looking for the perfect software for your MLM company? Contact us for a demo of our TitanMLM and TitanTeambuilder software, which has all the essential network marketing software features, plus a few extras!

What features have you found to be most effective for building and managing an MLM company? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

ventaforce 7 years ago
Good article. Thanks for taking the time out to post this, this will really benefit people, looking forward to more such future posts. Ventaforce is also into the same MLM networking business, if you have any queries or requirements we shall be glad to help you out. For further info, visit: www.ventaforce.com
ventaforce 7 years ago
Good article. Thanks for taking the time out to post this, this will really benefit people, looking forward to more such future posts. Ventaforce is also into the same MLM networking business, if you have any queries or requirements we shall be glad to help you out. For further info, visit: www.ventaforce.com