Boost ROI Through Creative Advertisements

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 6 years ago

Advertisements in the middle of an important game. What a pain! 

Your favorite TV show has advertisements every few minutes. 

You are forced to click on ads if you want to watch that YouTube video on how to repair DVD player. 

This can be frustrating but to many businesses, advertisements are a lifeline. Advertisements play a major role in improving their Return on Investments or ROI, helping them with the assurance that hundreds or thousands of customers will be reached and made to buy their products and services. 

The truth is, without advertisements, local, national or international businesses would easily grind to a halt. People would just stop going to a particular business because there is nothing exciting about it. Without marketing through advertisements, some businesses could even go out of business. 

Importance of online presence 

Internet and social media have been very influential in improving ROI for a wide range of businesses. These mediums have made customers more accessible and helped leveled the playing field for businesses of all sizes. There is no question that having an online presence is crucial to businesses in 2018.

Any new, small organic juice brand can advertise right alongside big brands like Coke or Pepsi by using Adwords or having a memorable presence on Twitter or Instagram.

These are places where people on the internet frequent and if running a search for a service or product, the company's social media presence is essential. 

Keeping a blog can also beneficial in marketing. For instance, if you are a home improvement financing company then you can target customer looking for air conditioner upgrade options with a blog page related to it. So, when the customer searches from upgrade options, he will stumble with your blog and get to know your financing services too.  

Without an online presence through ads, a little known local retail shop that had been opened recently could face slow business throughout the year. The average retailers also have similar concerns. What are the consequences of not marketing their products online which can stay there for a lifetime? It can result in them being left out in a corner, being unable to expand the business any further or worse yet, file for bankruptcy. 

AdWords for marketing purpose 

Just having an online presence is not enough either. You should be able to make sure that you are getting the best out of available advertisements tools which means it is important to learn a few hacks in this regard. 

One such area of knowledge is AdWords - which is Google's online advertising program. The concept of AdWords is really simple. 

Users pay a small fee to advertise their businesses as soon as someone enters a keyword relevant to that business. In exchange for the fee, the service assumes the responsibility of making the business known to a wide audience. 

AdWords service also comes with many features available to subscribers, such as search engine optimization, analytics, statistics and so on. It provides financial security for your business indirectly, which strengthens your return on investment as well as spurs further growth of the business. 

Conversion Rate by Channel

Then there is conversion tracking, a feature that many service providers offer along with business advertisements. This is a scale to measure your business's potential return on investment. Here, you are installing conversion tracking software for a particular campaign and keeping an eye on clicks and other statistics. 

The trick to make the best use of this feature is to weed out keywords that are generating high number of clicks but with low conversion rates (results). Even better, you can track those keywords that have helped tremendously in the past in generating leads and increasing customer base. 

Display your USPs

Display your Unique Selling Point (USP) to showcase the benefits customers can get from your services like Youi did in its service page. You can further display customer reviews to make your readers build trust on your brand and thus help in converting those visitors to customers.

Phone call tracking 

Another key feature of certain advertisement packages is the ability to keep track of phone calls. These call tracking software help figure out advertisements that are generating calls from potential customers. 

The concept is best illustrated by considering a situation where you have two advertisements running for the same campaign. The software shows which advertisement generated more calls compared to the other. This is an area in which comparison of the advertisements may make a difference to your business as well as to your return on investment. You can see that there is a great deal of variation in results from one advertisement to another when there are multiple campaigns. 

Real crowd in the real world 

Targeting the right audience is another objective of efficient campaign management and thereby increasing return on investment of your business. 

Many businesses face a greater risk of losing customers if they are targeting the wrong crowd. For example, if you are a owner of an automotive repair shop, it makes sense to target areas that are close to your physical store. Trying to lure customers who are outside the country is simply a waste of time and money when resources are limited. 

You also want to make sure your focus is on areas that have previously proven to be effective as well as lacking competitors. Short term or long term, this strategy provides lifetime protection to your business and make your customers loyal. 

Legal stalking 

Consider having a re-marketing campaign. Here, you are 'legally' keeping track of what visitors are looking for from your business. 

Remarketing How it works

For example, if a potential customer added a few items into a shopping cart on your business website and for some reason did not finalize the order, tracking this potential order lets you remind him or her of the purchase. The provisions governing this legal stalking are part of the business policy's terms and conditions. 

It is a new trend or aspect of marketing, also called data mining in today's world. The rates of return from such a concept, as is evident, is higher than many other forms of marketing. Under a standard term, this trend can be used to increase your return on investment depending on the number of times you perform this task as well as your commitment to it. The result can be used for a wide range of purpose, such as learning about the demand of a particular product or service, new trends in the market, what your customers are expecting in terms of quality and much else. 
You have worked to obtain a decent amount of valuable data for your campaign, now is the time to make changes to advertisements if required. Your advertisements should be designed such that they make a big impression on your potential buyers. 

Be creative and choose wisely. The data in hand will provide you all the basic knowledge about where each ad group is going and how it is performing as well. You will be able to see, based on the data, various analytics, improvements and pitfalls. This will give you an idea about which advertisement to choose as the ultimate ad and which one to discard. Again pay attention to the demography of your customer base when designing your advertisement.

Guest Author: Helen Cartwright is a passionate blogger, who excels in the Digital Marketing and Technology niche. When not wired in marketing strategies she ghost-writes for a variety of authors who have their work published on leading online media channels such as The Huffington Post and You can follow her on Twitter.