Tech News for Businesses: June 3

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 5 years ago

Find out the latest in technology news and what it means for your business. We look at the latest news on the web and give you a quick summary of how it could affect your business and your marketing strategy.

The latest news from May 28 through June 2:

Big data is a big deal.

Tech News for Businesses: Social Media

And nowhere on the Internet can we get a better look at how people think than through their personal social media accounts.

The study's goal is to better understand "collective expression" and how it impacts societies over time.

I can’t wait to see the results of this study. Never in history have we been able to tap into the opinions and emotions of so many people, and view how they are influenced by others’ posts. 

The power of social media in shaping our global culture is even greater than we even imagine, which is why it is crucial for brands to have a social presence to help manage their brand image online.

Social media is changing the world, and so is ecommerce. But how great are affects of ecommerce on retailers?

Is there truly a retail apocalypse?

Tech News: Retail apocalypse

Major retail chains are closing down, but does it really mean the end of an era? The Wall Street Journal tackles the question: Is there really a retail apocalypse? 

Data suggests the answer is no, that online sales still only account for about 10% of total sales. 

Sales aren't all made online. But shopping for many individuals STARTS online, with research. What stores need to be doing better is creating a strategy that blends online and offline marketing to appeal to the digital generations that expect a more cohesive experience.

How are some companies successfully creating a digital experience for their physical stores?

Augmented reality is being called the future of retail.

Tech News: Augmented Reality

Technologies like Augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence will make the online and physical shopping experiences even more seamless, and make shopping more efficient than ever. Smart mirrors in clothing stores make dressing rooms a thing of past.

What does this mean for your business? Be open to creating apps and using advertising that blends your digital and physical storefronts. Make sure the look and feel of your offline and online stores are the same, and make it easy for customers to go between digital and pusical shopping.

Let's look at the example of Ikea.

Ikea introduces augmented reality app. 

Tech News: Ikea Augmented Reality App

The furniture giant has created an app that allows users to visualize how products will look in their own homes, and then they can order through the app.
Find creative ways for your business to leverage the digital world to reach your audience.

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