The Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 9 years ago

What Digital Marketing has the best results? 

I work with a lot of different types of businesses, from authors trying to build their brand to fast-growing MLM companies and small business owners. There is one thing they all have in common.

They are busy. Too busy sometimes to test out a myriad of marketing techniques. You need to focus your time on what will be effective, both for your budget and your valuable time.

What digital marketing technique is the most effective?

I can’t give you a definitive answer across the board, as strategy will depend on your business type and target audience. BUT, I can share some insights that will help you design the best strategy for your small business.

How can you have a great internet marketing strategy without spending a lot of time?

Here are 5 ways to build an easy online marketing strategy:

1.  Pick your area to shine.

Your time is limited, so pick one area online that you know you can be active. You may choose to build your presence on a social network, through a website, or stay connected with your audience through a mailing list (you will need a good way to collect emails).

Where do you feel the most comfortable online? Using Instagram or Twitter? Do you check your email every hour? Perhaps you’re out working onsite and just want a place online where people can look up your business and get reviews. Pick one area to focus your attention, be consistent, and you’ll get good results.

Another way to pick the right place online? Know your audience, then find out where they spend their time. 

2. Email marketing has the highest ROI of any internet marketing strategy.

If you aren't sure what kind of strategy is the best choice, you can't go wrong with email marketing. Best of all, you don’t need to be as regular at sending emails as you do posting on social media sites or maintaining a blog. You can send out emails once a month just to stay connected with your subscribers and remind them of your business. You can also send out special offers, coupons (which tend to have great results), and other special messages. Emails go directly to your subscribers and don’t require them to seek you out.

Here are a few email tips to keep handy:

3. Facebook has the largest active user base of any social site.

Not sure you could maintain a website, or don’t want to spend the money to build one? Facebook pages are free and have some of the same features as a website. You can list your products, interact with customers, post special deals, and display recommendations. You can choose to boost your posts by spending small amounts, and you have total control over the budget. 

The downside? Your customers will need to join Facebook to interact with your page, and it may not be the top ranking in Google search.

Below is a slideshow outlining recent Facebook Marketing Stats for Businesses:

4. Google rules the search market. 

Google+ may not be the top-used social network, but that doesn't mean the search giant can't still have their content rank at the top of search results. If your potential customers are searching for you online (and odds are pretty good that they are), you should have some kind of presence on Google+. 

Google your own business name. What ranks at the top? It may be a Google+ page that was auto-created for your business. Be sure to claim that page, fill it with accurate information, and then direct people to where you are actively maintaining an online presence (another social network, your website, where they can sign up for your mailing list, etc.).

If your business has a physical location, be sure to create a Google My Business page so your business listing will show up in local searches if people are 'googling' topics like “Mexican restaurants”, “Builders”, “book stores”, etc.

5.  Content is King.

Content rules the web, and businesses with more content get more attention. Content could be articles, videos, images, and anything else that can be shared. Maintaining a blog, a YouTube account, a Slideshare account, or any other place online where you can create and share content is a great way to:

1) Build your reputation as an expert in your field 

2) Attract visitors by entertaining them or providing useful information 

3) Improve your organic search results through key terms, tags, and link building.

Content can be time-consuming to create, so consider what kind of content is going to appeal to your audience. Do you like to write (and are you good at it)? Then perhaps a blog would be a good choice. Your blogs don’t have to be full length books, just a few paragraphs that are useful or interesting.

Images are quick and easy content. Images are the most shared content online, so creating or sharing a beautiful image can go a long way in increasing online exposure. 

Are you a network marketer? Try posting inspirational quotes. 

A builder? You might want to consider creating a Pinterest account. It is a great way to display your portfolio and get it shared all over the web by appreciative pinners. 

Do you run a small boutique? Instagram has the highest brand engagement of any social network, so you might want to post images of your products.

Videos can be easy too. Grab your cell phone and shoot some videos. No one expects professional quality. Do you run a flower shop? Film a quick How-to for designing a floral arrangement. 

Are you an author? Create a book trailer for your book. Then upload it to YouTube and share it around the web.

6.  Get recommendations.

According to eMarketer, referrals are the most frequent way small businesses acquire new customers. Wherever you choose to build an online presence, be sure you are asking for recommendations. On a website, on your Facebook or Google+ page, on your LinkedIn profile, business listings like Angie’s List, and so on. 

A social media ‘follow’ or ‘like’ is essentially a recommendation. Did you know a whopping 96% of shoppers are influenced by social media, mainly due to their trust in their social media friends? Include testimonials in the footer of your marketing emails. No matter what your business or where you choose to build an online presence, referrals /  recommendations are the best way to build trust and get new customers.


The key to a successful online marketing strategy is to create one that you will maintain. You need to have some kind of presence on the Internet. Just be consistent, be responsive, and be personable. It doesn't have to take a lot of time, and it doesn't have to cost you anything.