Weekly Breaking Tech News

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 5 years ago

This week's technology news and how it could impact your business.

Let’s start by talking about the ever-changing landscape of social media.

Breaking Tech news for businesses

Facebook updates video ranking to encourage original content.

Videos on Facebook will now get an even greater boost on the social network. Original videos by creators will see more action thanks to Facebook's latest algorithm update. 

While at the same time, they’re cracking down on users that don’t follow the platform’s regulations by banning them from using Live video.

Technology news for businsses

Videos are great at making emotional connections with your audience. Keep working on your video marketing, but make sure your follow the guidelines of the sites where you distribute your content.

And speaking of emotion on social media...

Emotion plays a huge role in how people act on social media.

Emotion drives sales, particularly “FOMO” or Fear of Missing Out.

Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator to consumers on social media, proving again that people are emotional buyers. A recent Charles Swab survey found that social media impacts American spending. For example, 34% of Americans will spend on experiences because of something they saw on social media.

FOMO: Fear of missing out drives social media sales

Build an active social media presence and use emotion to drive more sales to your website.

And while we’re talking about driving more sales through social sites...


Coming soon to YouTube: Shopping ads. 

Breaking News for businesses

Google just unveiled plans to make shopping easier on Google, and will soon be releasing Shopping Showcase ads on YouTube that can be connected to a businesses location. Make sure your business is listed in local searches, and consider adding your products to the highly visual platform once it becomes available. 

Get a few quick tips on how you can get more subscribers to your YouTube Channel.

From digital sales to digital currency... 

Samsung new phones have blockchain / cryptocurrency features.

Tech News for businesses

As Cointelegraph reported at the end of February, the new Galaxy S10 series smartphones released by South Korean tech giant Samsung will apparently have wallet functions for ether (ETH), bitcoin (BTC) and two other tokens. 

This happens right as the most popular Cyrtpocurrency, Bitcoin, is making a major comeback, doubling its value from the beginning of the year:

Major brands like Starbucks, Nordstroms, and Whole Foods now accept Bitcoin.

The market might be volatile and the technology confusing, but don’t ignore cryptocurrencies completely. They matter, and I think acceptance will continue to grow, which is why we’ve added cryptocurrency wallets to our ecommerce software.

Those are the top stories from the previous week, and what the breaking tech news could mean for your business. Susbcribe to our mailing list to get regular updates on tech news and marketing tips.